Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made film series intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.
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“The flagship of the fan film fleet is easily
-The Wall Street Journal

“I'm pretty damn sure my dad would consider this canon.
And, as far as I’m concerned, it is canon.”
-Eugene ”Rod” Roddenberry, Jr.
Telly    International Independent Film Awards    Burbank International Film Festival    Stareable
Telly    Webby    Accolade    Telly
Geekie    Burbank International Film Festival    LoneStarCon3    Lost Episode Festival Toronto
Bridge Virtual Tour Main Deck Virtual Tour Engineering Virtual Tour Starbase Courtroom Virtual Tour Starbase Office Virtual Tour
From “Where No Man Has Gone Before” to “Turnabout Intruder,” Star Trek: The Original Series chronicled the first four years (2265–2269) of James T. Kirk’s historic five-year mission before the show was prematurely cancelled.
Now, STAR TREK CONTINUES — the critically-acclaimed, award-winning, fan-produced webseries — is proud to be part of Trek history, completing the final year (late 2269 – early 2270) of the original adventure.
STC shot in an 18,500-square-foot studio which housed the largest, most complete standing TOS sets in the world — including the bridge, corridors, turbolifts, quarters, sickbay, briefing/rec room, transporter room, Jefferies tube, engineering, auxiliary control, shuttlecraft, planet set, and much more — precisely constructed using the original Star Trek blueprints (see the interactive virtual tour above).
Our team of talented film professionals raised the bar in the quality of stories and overall production on one of the most recognized, popular fan productions ever made.
“In 2011, I was invited to direct an episode called ‘The Price of Anything’ for the fan series Starship Farragut. It was a very enjoyable experience, and we quickly became friends united by a love of Trek. While we were shooting, I expressed my long-time desire to create a continuation of The Original Series myself. Shortly after the shoot was completed, Farragut was informed that they’d have to vacate the 2500-square-foot building in which they had been located. As they were trying to decide what to do with the sets they’d built there, I approached them with the idea to form a partnership. Farragut agreed, and my dear friend Steven Dengler and I invested the money to lease another building — this one being nearly 10,000 square feet. Farragut moved their bridge and a few other things to the new facility, and I purchased lumber and materials to recreate the original soundstage more completely. STC’s director of photography, Matt Bucy, drew up the floorplans based on The Original Series’ soundstage layout… and construction began.
“A large number of local volunteers worked very hard for the next several months, and I joined them myself several times to help with construction. The arrangement was that STC would provide the money for the building lease and set construction materials, and Farragut would provide the labor to build. Both productions would shoot their episodes there — an equal partnership. STC filmed our first episode, ‘Pilgrim of Eternity,’ in January 2013.
STC and Farragut shot episodes at the facility just as planned until late 2014, when Farragut Films decided to move into a movie-era production. I made an offer to buy them out of their percentage of the sets, we agreed to an amount, and — as of January 2015 — STAR TREK CONTINUES became the sole owner. Soon, we expanded into the other half of the building as well, making the total size of our facility 18,500 square feet. This additional space allowed room for the engineering and planet sets, as well as make-up, wardrobe, common areas, changing rooms, props, food preparation, etc.
“Following the completion of production, STC transferred ownership of the sets to Ray Tesi of The Neutral Zone studios. My main priority was to see these beautiful sets remain intact, and to know that they would be preserved and well-cared-for.
STAR TREK CONTINUES produced eleven full-length episodes with millions of views! We won numerous awards, and have been applauded by professionals, critics, and laymen alike. We are so privileged that you have been a part of this exciting adventure!”
-Vic Mignogna
Trek Continues, Inc. is a non-profit production company which has blazed new trails across Federation space.
Dracogen Strategic Investments is committed to making awesome things happen whenever it can. Besides backing some pretty amazing tech companies, it also supports fun creative projects and has a particular affinity for Child’s Play Charity.

© Trek Continues, Inc. in association with Dracogen Strategic Investments
Trek Continues, Inc. (tax ID #47-2513580) is operated as a non-profit, non-stock public charity
within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and the regulations thereunder.